PGH Environmental Planning was established in 2000 in response to an increasing demand for independent town planning advice and assistance with land development issues.
We are affiliated members of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) and Fire Protection Association Australia (FPAA).
PGH Environmental Planning is a Bronze Member of the FPAA and our principle Consultant Patrick Hurley, is a Bushfire Planning and Design (BPAD) – Level 2, accredited Bushfire Consultant.
PGH Environmental Planning has over 30 years experience and we work closely with professionals in other fields including Architects, Engineers, Ecologists, Solicitors and Surveyors.
We have a wide experience in a range of development matters, including Land Subdivision (residential and rural), Licensed Premises (Pubs), Extractive Industries, Waste Transfer (recycling) Stations, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Developments.
With our extensive knowledge we are able to explain the various legislative requirements associated with the NSW Planning System and Bushfire Planning.
Our Qualifications